One of the problem I had noticed in nursing is staff shortage

One of the problem I had noticed in nursing is staff shortage. For instance the nursing home I am working presently have issue seriously with staffing. One nurse cared for 25patients on a regular basis, so the job is overwhelming for nurses, in this situations some of the nurses quit or resign due to job overload. What even make it difficult when there is a call out by one the nurse that supposed to be on duty it become very hard to find a replacement? However if there is no replacement they will share his/her residents to does nurses working on the floor, because on a regular basis three nurses work on a floor that have seventy five residents.
The issue of “inappropriate staffing” has been a topic of discussion for many facilities that employ nurses, it continues to be an issue that creates a negative impact on patient care and predisposes the nurse to making medical errors. Another problem nurses encounter with overworked, understaffed nurses due to feeling rushed are back injuries from not using appropriate body mechanics and ergonomics, needle pokes, and getting sick (ANA, 2016). More over the management on the other hand concern about the time staffs takes on the facility known as overtime, but forget to address the main issue which is staffing and job overload.
ANA. (2016). Top Issues for Staff Nurses. Retrieved from American Nurses Association:

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