Elements in Shakespearean comedies is Happy ending which usually involves marriage between the characters

Elements in Shakespearean comedies is Happy ending which usually involves marriage between the characters, Separation and re-unification, disputes between characters, both internal and external conflicts, and a tension between Apollonian and Dionysian values. Merchant of Venice seems a tragicomedy it has a comic structure but Shylocks, he looks like a terrible character who suffers a lot from the begging to the end of the play. The play has a comedy ending with the lovers coupling off but we also get to see the ruthless side Shylock. The play absolutely has a comic structure but there is also a powerful tragic story. It can therefore be called a tragicomedy but it is classified as a comedy then tragedy. Shakespeare introduces comic to relieve tension. Jessica and Lancelot’s chitchat in Act III, scene v is an excellent example of this. In the previous scenes, Shylock has just dragged Antonio to the jail while Portia and Nerissa set up a scheme to rescue their future husbands’ friend – two very action-packed and strong developments in the story. However, at once following these two scenes, Lancelot and Jessica are seen having a playful discussion about the connection of Jewish refusal to consume pork and the rising prices of bacon, a conversation so crazy and out of place that it manages to diffuse much of the thickening tension. The interactions between Lancelot and his father, Old Gobbo, are one of the more humorous moments of the play (Act II), where Old Gobbo fails to recognize Lancelot as his son because he is blind.
Shakespeare’s comedy usually follows a pattern, first he presents a conflict and then all the characters eventually resolve the conflict with a happy ending. In this play Shylock is presented as a villain and Antonio as a hero but none of them are married at the end of ACT 5. Bassanio who is bankrupt manages to find a way out of his debts and eventually helps his friend Antonio. Portia and Nerissa disguise as male lawyer and lawyer’s clerk in that order and attend Antonio’s trial where Portia turns the tables against Shylock and wins the case for Antonio. Portia and Nerissa’s husbands, Bassanio and Gratiano, have no idea who the lawyers are and said a lot of things about their wives they perhaps should not have said which includes Bassanio telling Antonio that he valued their friendship more than his marriage to Portia, right in front of her. Portia and Nerissa also force their husbands to give their rings back to them – the same rings they told their husbands never to lose.
Portia is able to marry the man of her choice despite the strange limitations her father placed on her. The casket lottery was a barrier to Portia’s choice of a husband, but luckily Bassanio, he managed to make the right choice. Jessica and Lorenzo instead of living a life of separation because of Shylock, She receives her rightful legacy. All these are comical scenes in the play.

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