1. Knowing the language is of great importance- Language is socially constructed and therefore embedded in the culture. Understanding the embedded meanings requires mastering the language, a process that can be extremely time consuming and difficult. Misinterpreting the words or the cultural meaning associated with them may negatively affect the entire interchange. In the case of a business deal, it may be a deal-breaker.
2. Knowing the culture prevents marketing errors- Being well versed in a country’s culture goes a long way in preventing marketing errors. Consumption patterns and buyer behavior reflect cultural influences and attitudes that differ country by country. They must be considered when interpreting market research used to make decisions on design, color, packaging, distribution, and promotion. The act of naming a product, service or company could, if language implications are ignored, derail a promising business venture.
3. Sensitivity training is very important- Sensitivity training is when a person is willing to acquire basic knowledge of a foreign culture. The training helps in understanding in-depth cultural awareness and understanding of the impact of cultural differences, provides the necessary foundation and tools to become culturally competent and gives a better understanding of the cultural challenges facing multicultural workplaces.

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