Describe what is meant by motivation

Describe what is meant by motivation. What types of non-financial reward might a company use to motivate employees?
Describe the effects of an unmotivated workforce on a company. How does Tesco benefit from ensuring that its workforce is motivated.
Why is Taylor’s theory not relevant to companies and employees in the 21st century?
Evaluate the four motivational theories in the study, demonstrating how each relates to Tesco.

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Motivation is attracting a person in such a way that they want to do something on their own accord. Whether it is work or studies, motivation can be provided in various ways. It may come from some personal interest or simply being safe. Both financially and via other means.

Companies can provide non-financial rewards in many forms. From providing sufficient care to the guarantee of work upon returning from a break few months in length. Other ways can be as simple as showing appreciation to one’s work or allowing them to improve themselves upon hard, yet not impossible challenges.

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Having an unmotivated instead of motivated ones will bring an opposite effect on the company. One who is not motivated will not perform nearly as good as a motivated worker. Not being motivated makes as more prone to make mistakes and makes us less loyal to whoever we would work for. When a worker is dissatisfied with a work environment, he/she may often affect the quality of work in a negative way.

The company that is Tesco benefits from taking care of their employees in that unique way. Resulting in work done quicker and with a smile on face. Such small factors influence not only the employees but the clients as well. Allowing the company to grow much faster than one who does not provide such benefits to employees. Pursuing this way Tesco managed to become one of the world’s largest retail outlets with almost half a million of workers. Shortly saying, Tesco became successful.

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Taylor’s theory is not relevant to the companies and employees in the 21st century because it was based on producing quantity, not quality. Even if such approach may still be viable in some places, the grand majority of companies has to provide their clients products of impeccable quality. Other then that sole employees can’t seem to be offered any real opportunities to improve themselves or be creative in what they do.

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According to Taylor’s motivational theory financial rewards are one motivating factor. Every person is motivated to go towards to the reward, because every employee will put more effort into work at the sight of the reward that will come. For Maslow, he discussed about “hierarchy of needs” and the basic of our needs. It relates to how we live outside of work and how we are fulfilled thanks to sole work. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. It relates to free or reduced rate health benefits to Tesco. And for Mayo, the idea of the programme is to ‘Take People With You’ and ‘To Gain the Hearts and Minds of Others’ in order to improve individuals and get things done efficiently. It relates At Tesco a motivated member of staff ‘works in partnership with others to achieve individual and team objectives’.