Provide a critical analysis of conflict management in an organization of your choice

Provide a critical analysis of conflict management in an organization of your choice.

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Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.

Situate your answer within the right employment relations perspective.
Support your answer with appropriate evidences.

Conflict in the workplace occurs due to varying personalities and perspectives. Even employers and employees will have differences of opinion or even larger issues since no relationship is immune to potential conflicts. R. Bennett stated that, “Conflict occurs in employment situations because of frictions between individuals, between groups of workers (sections, departments, divisions, grades of employee, full-time or part-time workers, casual or permanent staff, etc.) and between various levels of authority within the firm”. Conflict is said to be inevitable and is normally faced between the management and the employees. The both sides try their best to minimize conflicts and the tools and approaches vary depending on beliefs, values, interests and theoretical perspectives which are most favored.