New York

New York

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Coming Together
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 was just like every other day until terrorists hit our nation. On the morning of September 11, terrorists from Afghanistan hijacked 4 airplanes, crashing two into the World Trade Centers, one into the Pentagon, and another in to an abandoned field. While waiting for my history class to begin I learned of the horrid attacks. At first I was really confused; I could not comprehend how serious the attacks were. After fifteen minutes of waiting for class to begin a teacher rushed in, announced that the class was canceled, and told us to go to the nearest television to witness what would be history. I made it across campus to my dorm room in a matter of seconds only to find the lobby filled with students surrounding the television, and about ten people in my room watching the news as well. Nothing could have prepared me for what I would see on the television, it ?was catastrophe beyond comprehension? (Bettelheim 436). Two enormous buildings had been hit almost simultaneously. A feeling of sadness swept over me. I was grieving for those who had died, and for those who had known someone who had died.

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