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The world watched in horror as television broadcasts showed the twin towers of New Yorks World Trade Center burn and collapse on September 11, 2001, killing as many as 3,000 people. For many Americans the shocking images didnt end there. Later that day, broadcasts showed footage of Palestinian youths celebrating the U.S. attacks. What is the meaning of this hatred How could anyone be celebrating the murder of so many innocent civilians Americans were shocked to see that others would ever wish us pain. In the aftermath of such a tragic event it is important not only to discuss the act itself, but to ask questions as to why the attacks happened and why it hurt so much to see others cheer at the sight of our pain. At an early age, Americans are taught that everyone wants to be American and that the ?American Dream? is the only way to live a full and happy life. This incident has brought awareness that the U.S. is not universally known as the beloved big brother we often depict ourselves as. In understanding Anti-American resentment we have to look at the reasons for

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