An Event

An Event

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An Event That Changed My Life
?Oh, my God! What happened I?m in so much pain. Mom answer me! Where?s Craig, is he okay How come you?re not answering me Hello! Where is my boyfriend Somebody please tell me what has happened.? ?Craig is in surgery, things are not looking so good for him.? Those words still linger through my mind whenever I drive down stable road, a deadly road and a night, which brought major destruction to my life. It was early February, and my boy friend and I were on our way home from a party. I barely remember what happened, everything happened so quickly.
My boyfriend Craig and I were at a Valentines Day dance at our friend Michael?s house. Everyone was drinking, smoking and partying hard. I was on my thirteenth drink and we hadn?t been there for very long. Craig got worried about me, so he told me to stop drinking and that we were going to leave. I wouldn?t listen, something inside of me told me

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