Somewhat Ordinary

Somewhat Ordinary

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Somewhat Ordinary

Alka; that is my name. It is actually ironic that Alka is my name. In Indian, it means a lock of golden hair. I can only laugh at my parent?s decision in naming me this. All of my wigs make my name the most ironic thing you could imagine. I have no hair, and probably won?t have any for my whole life.
It all started, well, at home. I was home alone. I lit some candles and decided to relax and practice some yoga in the living room. Pushing all of the furniture out of the way, I prepared for my relaxation by piling candles everywhere I could fit them. After producing the huge firetrap, I got out my yoga book and started the maneuvers.
As I look back I realize I was stupid. It was probably my blonde hair. Anyway, I was trying out a new move, which required me to balance on one foot. Me being Miss Uncoordinated herself, lost my balance and fell. My beautiful blonde hair landed on top of the candles along with the back of my head. Flames shot up from my head and torched my whole scalp. I popped up with the shot of

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