Long Distance Relationships

Long Distance Relationships

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Long Distance Relationships
Long distance relationships have their ups and downs, just like a regular relationship has. However, when it comes to the bottom line, are they really worth it Yes, they are 100% worth it when true love is involved. If two peoples? love is so strong, no distance should be able to come in their way. I recently experienced a long distance relationship and I learned that the distance makes the relationship more unique and special than the ones that most people would think of. I met this guy through my cousin, who I found interest in. However, there was only problem; 3,000 miles were in between us. He lived in California and I lived in New Jersey. Although we went through a lot of hardships and difficulties, it was worth it at the end.
Though we didn?t see each other much, sometimes I think that?s better; it made the time we spent together extra special. It is very difficult to love someone so much and at the same time acknowledge the fact that it isn?t possible to physically have them present. While it might not seem that

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