Going Fishing

Going Fishing

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?Wake up, wake up!? My cousin told me.

I looked at my watch to see what time it was. It was 4:00 in the

morning. I got dressed and met my cousin Mike outside my tent. It was a

cold day in the mountains in Colorado. As we grab are rods and reels I

recommend we eat breakfast. My cousin Agrees after a bowl of cereal we

head out. We stop at the truck to get the salmon eggs we are using for bait.

We start about a quarter of a mile walk to lake.

After what seems like thirty minutes we finally make it to the lake.

We still have about an hour till the sunrise. We go to the spot where we

think we will catch some fish. We bait our hooks with the orange salmon

eggs that we are hoping will catch us a few rainbow trout. We cast our line

out to the middle of the small lake. My cousin is the first to get a bite and to

the first to real in a trout. As my cousin puts the fish on the

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