Brave New World

Brave New World

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Distopia in Brave New World
The purpose of a Utopian society is to create an environment where everyone is happy, disease does not exist, and anger and sadness are extinct. Only happiness and joy exist. Aldous Huxleys Brave New World leads to the realization that this is not what the human soul really craves. Brave New World was published during a time when socialism and dictatorship were the key concepts of the day. These governments believed that having total power would engender a perfect society. Throughout the novel, it is demonstrated that a government that completely controls a nation will fail. Many of the ideas that the governments thought would contribute to success were the cause of their failure. Although the government?s control over and use of technological advances, conformity, and lack of personal freedom contribute to the success of a Utopian society, these aspects are also the reason for its ultimate downfall.
The advancement of technology has enabled this ?Utopian Society? to not only create human life, but to also to control almost all aspects of it. First of all, babies are created in laboratories using highly advanced technology and under the direction of humans, causing mistakes to be

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