Ford Pinto

Ford Pinto

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Certain people are doomed to constantly recreating historic events as a direct result of not learning and re-educating themselves from past experiences.
Individuals are not alone in lapses of judgment that make one learn from previous incidents, companies and corporations too are prone to this foolhardy phenomenon. As has been witnessed in this past decade, an ever-increasing number of companies have been sued for a wide variety of reasons. In many situations the companies being sued have been brought up for litigation because they failed to inform the public about defects or faults in their products. An alarming number of companies even knew about such defects but continued to produce despite knowing the deadly consequences that lay behind their actions. Ford Motor Company is no stranger to the courts.
Some companies do not understand, or instead maliciously opt not to acknowledge, the difference between law and ethics and presume that since they are not explicitly violating any law then any ethical and moral violations are outweighed because of the cost benefits to the company that usually arise a as a result of such violations. “Cost-benefit analysis, the sort of efficiency calculation that is common to

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