Narration Essay

Narration Essay

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High School. Some fear it, some don?t. To be one of those who fear it is to fear without shame. We all know it is scary, some just choose to shake it off as if it were just dust blowing in the wind. Sometimes shaking doesn?t always help. When I took my first step as a lowly freshman on the Union Mine campus I thought I was war-torn enough to handle high school having just been the big dog 8th grader at Herbert Green. When I approached my focus class I knew I was afraid deep inside, but wasn?t going to let anyone see it. Those sly upper-class men could smell the fear on me anyway. As I nervously approached my focus teacher I could feel her gaze tear right through me as she handed me my schedule.
Sifting through my new classmates, I sought my first class. As I entered the classroom and took a seat I anxiously awaited the inevitable torture to approach. As my teacher strode into class with that certain arrogance I knew I had reached the 7 circles of hell. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face as he started to delicately read us

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