New Life

New Life

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As a freshmen just coming out of highschool, I am now beginning a new life
in a whole new environment surounded by people I really do not know is a really scary
feeling. And I know that is probably not half of what I may have to face as a freshmen.
In highschool as a senior I was the ? top dog?. Everyone wanted to hang with us and be
around us because we were in the ?in crowd?. And now I am like the little fish in a big
pond. And as a freshmen, right now the only people I know are those I knew from
highschool. And that is a scary feeling not knowing if you will be able to fit in with the
other students around you. While in highschool I remember how underclassmen used tok
ask upperclassmen where a certain class was or how to get somewhere and they used to
give them the wrong directions on purpose and that was pretty mean. And now that I am
here the first thing that ran through my mind was what if I asked someone for directions
to one of my classes or something and they give me directions somewhere

now, highschool, able, know, am, while, through, take, students, right, probably, out, help, going, freshmen, fears, directions, whole, told, time, thought, talk, somewhere, something, scary, really, professors, point, people, new, little, knowing, keep, just, guide

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