Automotive American Vs. Forgien

Automotive American Vs. Forgien

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Automotive Oppositions

In the early twentieth century Henry Ford manufactured the world?s first automobile, the Model T. Since then, the world has relied on automotive transportation. Today the automotive industry generates many different types and styles of cars. Primarily there are two styles of automobiles, American and foreign. The different styles of automobiles have comparable similarities and differences according to design, performance and value. There will always be American and foreign made cars, but the two styles are becoming more and more alike.
The biggest difference between American and foreign made cars is design. From the earliest days of the automobile, the majority of American cars were larger in size then most foreign made cars. The same is true today when Americans have a reputation for making ?full-size? cars. More over, foreign cars have been known to be more stylish then most American cars. Foreign cars are designed to accommodate the driver and passengers with luxury and comfort in order to make the driving experience as pleasurable as possible. Most American cars are thought to have a simple and boring design that is inconsiderate to the driver unlike foreign design, which should be a pedestal that American designers should strive to

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