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Nanotechnology is actually a fairly new idea. This may not seem like any big deal in terms of ethics, but just like any type of scientific advancement there are positives and negatives. Of course the ethical issues don?t stem out of just the fact that this is a new kind of science. It branches off of ?what will this new scientific technology be used for? For example, Embryonic Stem Cell research. It?s not the research that?s bad it?s how they get the cells. There are half a dozen, maybe more, different places to get the same type of cells without taking the life of that unborn child.
The term, Nanotechnology, was first introduced back in the mid 1970?s by a Japanese researcher named Norio Taniguchi to mean ??precision machinery with tolerance of a micrometer or less? (Kilner 55-56). In the 1986 book by Eric Drexler, Engines of Creation, he brought the word and it?s concept in to the public?s thought. In Layman?s terms the basic idea of Nanotechnology is to make little tiny atomic size robots that can be called upon to do whatever we want them to do.

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