The Once And Future King– The Ill-Made Knight

The Once And Future King– The Ill-Made Knight

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The Once and Future King
?The Ill-Made Knight?
by, T. H. White

I. Characters
A. Lancelot
1. Not very attractive.
2. Sleeps with Elaine and ends up with a child, whom he does not claim.
3. The best knight in the world until his son, Galahad, comes of age.

B. Guenever
1. Loves Arthur a lot although their marriage was ?made?.
2. Has an affair with Lancelot.
3. Accused of treason by Sir Mador de la Porte after Sir Patrick dies by eating a poisoned apple, intended for Gawaine.

C. Gareth
1. The youngest of the Orkney faction to come to court twenty-one years after Arthur assumes the throne as King.
2. Has a moment of remembrance of the unicorn, when Arthur mentions the killing of Lamorak, by his brothers.
3. He first comes to Camelot as a kitchen page and Arthur knights him in the end.

D. Mordred
1. Arthur?s illegitimate son.

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