The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby

Characters in books can reveal the author feeling toward the world. In The
Great Gatsby Fitzgerald suggested the moral decline of the period in
America history through the interpersonal relationships among his
characters. The book indicates the worthlessness of materialism, the
futile quest of Myrtle and Gatsby, and how Americas moral values had
diminished. Despite his newly acquired fortune, Gatsbys monitory means
could not afford his only true wish, therefore he cannot buy everything
which is important to Daisy. (Fitzgerald, -page 42) What you wish for is
not always what you want or not all that glitters is gold. The wild
lavishness of Gatsbys parties and the shallowness and purposelessness of
the lives of the guests all kills Gatsby on the inside. All Gatsby wants
when he chooses to be rich is to get Daisy. Daisy, who is wealthy and
beautiful, symbolizes a way of life which is remote from Gatsbys and
therefore more attractive because it is out of reach so he changes
himself. (Fitzgerald, -page 54) Myrtle and Gatsby both want to be part of
the same elite crowd. They play a reflection of each other in the book by
wanting the same thing but they have different methods of achieving it.
Gatsby wants

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