Comparing Animal Revolutionist and Russian Revolutionist

Comparing Animal Revolutionist and Russian Revolutionist

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Comparing Animal Revolutionist and Russian Revolutionist

There are many people that had an influence on the Russian Revolution but three names stand out in bold, these people are Joseph Stalin (the ruthless Russian leader,) Leon Trotsky (the smooth talking leader that opposed Stalin,) and Nikolai Lenin (the creator of the Russian Revolution.) There are three pigs in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell that really stand out from the start of the book until the finish. These pigs are Napoleon (the ruthless leader of Animal Farm,) Snowball (the smooth talking pig,) and Old Major (the creator of Animalism.) Joseph Stalin and Napoleon will be compared together on how they are alike, Leon Trotsky and Snowball will be compared, and also Nikolai Lenin and Old Major will be the last comparison. In the paragraphs to come there will be a comparison between important influences in the Russian Revolution and the important characters in the novel Animal Farm.

Orwell used his character Napoleon as symbolism for Joseph Stalin. The first thing that connects the two together is they both drove an opposing leader out of the country or Animal Farm. This leader was Leon Trotsky or in

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