Knowledge Worker

Knowledge Worker

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Knowledge rules
In the fifties and sixties, the priesthood of the new computer age spoke of data, as in data processing. In the seventies and eighties, when it was recognised that users had a constituency, and indeed that there was such a thing as a user, data magically transformed itself into information. This, we were led to understand, was data which could be understood by somebody other than a rocket scientist. In the pre-apocalyptic nineties, a concept with a more mystical ring has entered the business glossary: knowledge, which superficially could be described as information with a purpose.

If you ask the average management pundit what are todays biggest corporate hot buttons, the chances are theyll say Knowledge Management and intellectual capital. Some will no doubt dismiss Knowledge Management as this years fad, the logical antidote to the Business Process Re-engineering craze which resulted in so many corporate donkeys being turned into pantomime horses.

We at Kudos happen to think that Knowledge Management is more than a passing fad, for the simple reason that, like all the best ideas, its based on common sense. So what is it And how will it affect who will be expected to manage the knowledge

Its the future

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