Personal Goals

Personal Goals

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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Today, I am writing a paper about my personal strengths and weaknesses. I believe that everyone in this world is completely different from one another. Everyone has a different set of skills that are considered their strengths as well as a set of flaws that are considered to be their weaknesses. I have several strengths as well as several weaknesses. I am hoping that I can enhance my strengths and eliminate most of my weaknesses while attending the University of Phoenix. I believe that the first step in overcoming any weakness is admitting that there is a problem and confronting the weakness. I am here to tell you that I am doing that right now by writing this paper. I will also focus on my positive personal strengths that I strongly believe will help me to become successful in life, in both a personal environment as well as a professional career atmosphere.
First, I would like to talk about what I believe are my personal strengths. My number one positive personal strength is the ability to be motivated toward my goals each and everyday. In addition, I am a strong willed fighter that never seems to

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