48 Hours Is A Lifetime

48 Hours Is A Lifetime

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Telephones are just supposed to be harmless pieces of equipment that allow people to communicate with each other. These inanimate objects which transport sound allow us to discuss mindless chatter; we might talk for minutes or even hours and say absolutely nothing or maybe something, depending on the day and our mood at the moment. We usually do not think of telephones and the possible implications associated with them. We do not think of telephones as anything important until they convey destruction and death in the middle of an endless night. Then telephones become one of the most disturbing technological inventions ever devised, and the information they convey changes our lives forever.
It seems like a lifetime ago that all of our lives changed forever. It was one of those steamy June nights in Florida when the longest 48 hours of my life began with the far off ringing of the telephone at 3:00 A.M. The ringing brought me out of a terrifying dream of an explosion of crashing metal, torn bodies, and crimson red blood everywhere. Our car had been hit broadside and part of the side was torn off. It

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