Case Study On The Pacemaker

Case Study On The Pacemaker

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Business Ethics

The Pacemaker

What happened:

This case involves was brought about because of the death of a fairly young man. This young man died of a heart attack. The young man also had a pacemaker, and six other people with pacemakers had also died. This young man had a previously used pacemaker. The doctor who performed this surgery said all of the pacemakers were well within their limits for their life spans. Upon investigations of the pacemakers all were found to have faulty leads.

The Facts:

These pacemakers were all used, the patients were all aware of this. The pace makers were sold to the doctor all by the same salesman. The salesman bought all of the pacemakers from the Medical School supply office. The pacemakers passed the rigorous FDA review. All of the pacemakers in question were found to be defective because of bad leads. It looks as if it?s the manufacturers fault, but upon closer review of the facts it seems the salesman and the med school are at fault when it comes to causal responsibility.
A person working for the med school knowingly went against policy and sold pacemakers that had been handled by med students. The med

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