The Celestine Prophecy

The Celestine Prophecy

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The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield is built around nine insights, which are
all credible. James Redfields adventure takes place in the form of one mans quest to learn
the nine insights which will ultimately lead him to a better life. The book however lacks
the guidance for one to achieve these insights to a better world. An insight is defined as
“The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration. An elucidating
glimpse.” Perhaps our nature as human beings simply does not allow us to fully
comprehend the spiritual world, forcing us to turn to simple “interpretations” we know as
mass religion.
The first four insights of the book are all simply explaining what happens to us a
we begin our journey. It states how things have changed and how they may continue to
change. The first insight declares that “We begin to realize that some underlying process is
operating our lives.” Since the beginning of time man has contemplated that question
never coming to one solid conclusion. The question is what, or who is the underlying
process. This book gives an answer that can fit into almost anyones beliefs.
By saying that energy is the source of and solution to all conflicts the book is
vague enough to add to anyones

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