Stylistic Elements In Madame Bovary

Stylistic Elements In Madame Bovary

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There are many different stylistic elements used in the novel, ?Madame Bovary,? written by Gustave Flaubert. The author uses several techniques such as detailed descriptions, symbolism, illusion vs. reality, and others. These techniques are important in analyzing the novel of Madame Bovary as a whole and in understanding the several themes and motifs.
The first technique is that of symbolism. In the novel, Emma Bovary hears the melancholy song of a blind beggar just before he dies, and that beggar symbolizes the lack of insight that the main figures are known for in the book. Charles? character could also be considered blind; he is blind to Emmas unhappiness and her unfaithfulness to him. He still refuses to accept the reality of the situation in all its truth, even when he uncovers Rodolphes and Leons letters towards the end of the novel. Emma herself does not realize her own self-deceiving view of life or the way others deceive her. She sees her lovers as more ideal and better than they really are and also gets fooled by them.
Furthermore, an example of an important symbol used in Madame Bovary is that of the windows. These windows help create

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