Pride And Prejudice

Pride And Prejudice

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1. Title: Pride and Prejudice

2. Author: Jane Austen

3. Number of Pages: 332

4. Setting: Longbourn, which is in rural England. The story
took place sometime during the Napoleonic Wars (1797-1815).

5. Characters:

1. Mr. Bennet: An odd mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humor, reserve, and impulsive tendencies. Married 23 years to Mrs. Bennet. First to call on Bingley. Father of Jane, Elizabeth, Lydia, Kitty, and Mary. He has a close relationship with Elizabeth. As for the rest of his family, they aren?t of greatest importance to him. He isn?t really fond of his wife, as he attempts to irritate her throughout the story. Goes to call on Bingley when he first arrives at Netherfield, to make his acquaintance. Refuses to order Elizabeth to marry Collins when directed by his wife, saying that he would not see Elizabeth if she did marry Collins. Takes off to London to search for Lydia, who has run off with Wickham during her stay at Brighton. Returns home after no success, leaving Mr. Gardiner to look for Lydia.

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