Coming of Age in Mississippi

Coming of Age in Mississippi

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Anne Moody plays a strong role in the civil rights movement. As a child she faced many challenges growing up as a poor black girl. Yet, despite these circumstances all those setbacks inspired her to move on. Moody was determined to make a change in the community and she would stop at nothing.
When growing up Anne encountered many problems. Her uncle George Lee used to beat her when he would baby-sit her and her little sister Adline. Their house caught on fire once because her uncle was trying to burn her. In addition, her parents separated because her father began to gamble and come home when he pleased. Her child hood was extremely difficult; she was the oldest of nine children. Still Anne Moody chooses to succeed. She was Valedictorian of her class and received scholarships to go to college.
The first time Moody was really insulted by segregation, was when she heard about the murder of Emmet Till. Emmet Till was a young boy from Greenwood, who was killed for whistling at a white girl. This incident really affected Moody. She was scared, hurt, angered and confused.

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