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Napoleon was one of the greatest leaders that the world has ever seen. He got promoted through the ranks of the French army by hard work, dedication, and his ability to think quickly . Later in life he became the Emperor of France. Napoleon?s power over the years gradually increased because of France?s great love for him. This was no easy task to accomplish but Napoleon knew what he was doing. He is the one of the best strategic military leaders of all time. In some battles he defeated armies almost twice his size.
Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769. He was born in the city of Ajaccio in Corsica, a small island off North Africa. At a young age Napoleon?s parents, Letizia and Carlo Bonaparte, reserved him a spot at a French military school. When Napoleon was old enough his parents sent him to another military school in Brienne, France. Nobody really liked him at this new school. The other students felt that Napoleon was a foreigner and did not like him very much. As a result of this he devoted all of his time to his studies.

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