Robinson Crusoe Moll Flanders Theme Comparison

Robinson Crusoe/Moll Flanders: Theme Comparison

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Evil lurks in every corner of our lives; we use it to our advantage, but it is also quite necessary for our survival. Daniel Defoes novels, Moll Flanders and The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, show that evil prevails over good in mans struggle for survival. Moll and Crusoe show the way that evil becomes beneficial for survival through manipulation of others, gaining valuable life experiences and are ultimately victorious for survival.
Manipulating others can become a daily task for some people; it is the way in which they get through their lives. It is evil, but brings them many gains and advantages in their lives. In Moll Flanders, Moll?s ex-husband who is also her brother pretends that Moll is dead in order for them to live easier lives. Moll and her brother believed that this would be an easier way for them both to live, ?When I parted with my brother (for such I am now to call him), we agreed that after I arrived , he should pretend to have an account that I was dead in England, and so might marry again when he would.? (Defoe, Moll…75) To

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