Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne

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The Allegorical Nathaniel Hawthorne
For my research, I chose Nathaniel Hawthorne. The three short stories I read were, The Minister?s Black Veil, Young Goodman Brown, and Dr. Heidegger?s Experiment. I think that Nathaniel Hawthorne?s stories are interesting. The three that I read all had allegory and symbolism in them. All of the stories include some characteristic of death. Nathaniel Hawthorne?s stories seem to reply mainly about religion and the teaching of a lesson.
In The Minister?s Black Veil, I noticed a lot of allegory and symbolism. Th main character, Mr. Hooper, seems to be based upon a real person that Nathaniel Hawthorne must of read about. The black veil over the minister?s face symbolizes a secret that he isn?t afraid to show anymore. The minister is testing his closest friends and loved ones to see if they are trust worthy of him when he starts to wear the veil. When he starts wearing the veil, everyone shuns him and talks about him. Somehow, the death of a young woman seems to be the reason for him to be wearing the veil, according to some of the town?s people. They think

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