Most Dangerous Game

Most Dangerous Game

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A person is unable to empathize with another unless he has shared a similar
experience. Often one will come to realize the feeling of another. In, ?The Most
Dangerous Game? by Richard Connel, the characters are both skilled hunters
who find themselves pitted against each other in the ultimate game of cat and
mouse. When Sanger Rainsford meets the formidable General Zaroff, he learns
what true fear is and discovers the resources needed to overcome his foe.
General Zaroff is a cruel and heartless hunter. He tells Rainsford that he
must hunt an animal that can reason and that humans are the only thing that
can, so he hunts them. Zaroff must be mentally ill to hunt humans. He must
feel a sense of superiority when he makes a kill. In addition Zaroff placed lights
in the ocean to indicate a false channel full of jagged rocks which will tear metal
like its paper. Zaroff must have a strong need to keep his human ?stock? in high
numbers. To destroy ships and have survivors swim to his island is the only way
he can keep hunting humans. Furthermore, Zaroff keeps the men he will hunt in
a training camp in his basement.

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