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At first glance, the monster in Mary Shelley?s novel, Frankenstein, is the real villain. However, if you take another look you will see that Victor Frankenstein, the scientist who created the monster, is just as guilty. Victor?s obsession with interfering with life and death results in the destruction of several people he cares about. Although the monster is the actual killer, Victor is the accomplice. On many occasions Victor abandons his creature , leaving him helpless and all alone. By doing this Victor ignites the rage within the monster, and soon the monster begins to seek revenge. Because Victor Frankenstein creates this monster, he is a part of the tragedy the monster causes. Throughout the story Victor becomes just as much a villain as the monster he created.
Victor?s heartless abandonment of the creature was catastrophic. When Frankenstein first created the monster he thought it would be glorious, but when reality set in he noticed that the experiment might have crossed the line. His feelings toward the creature at ?birth? were clear; ?now that I finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart? (42) Victor then flees

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