The U

The U.S. Army is a great organization and is even more dignified through designation as a Profession of Arms. Every great organization has an even greater human resources management as the cornerstone of operations. In the Army, Profession of Arms, the human resources management leaders are Human Resources Sergeants. Human Resources Sergeants help manage the greatest assets of the Army as a Profession of Arms.
All organizations generally have three primary types of assets divided among physical capital, financial capital and human capital. Physical capital such as property and equipment is expertly managed in the Army by Supply Sergeants, expertly trained and titled 92Y. Army financial capital is any monetary asset, accounted for by comptrollers and qualified 36B, Financial Management Sergeants. Human capital is the Army’s greatest asset, with an all-volunteer force of Soldiers. These Soldiers rely heavily on the mid-grade noncommission officer human resources leaders for personnel and pay actions. Management of the greatest asset in the Army distinguishes the Human Resources Sergeant as gravely vital to the Army Profession. The Human Resources Sergeant’s role in the Army Profession is critical to sustaining the Army as a Profession of Arms, responsible for balancing the profession’s leaders and upholds the Army’s professional culture.
The Army embodies what it means to be a profession. A profession is levels of menial labor. The Army is a community of well-trained Soldiers and competent leaders. The expertise of each Soldier in their respective vocation and the extensive knowledge base of Army leaders align the Army with other prestigious and professional communities of scholars. Designating the Army as a Profession of Arms initiates a barrier to entry, establishes an air of superiority and eliteness. This designation means the Army’s Professional Soldier must meet, maintain or exceed certain expectations by embodying attributes of …
All professional communities and societies of work must have checks and balances to ensure proper existence and operations. “The Army’s degree of professionalism has waxed and waned over the years” and without checks and balances, the Profession of Arms would gravitate away from “the shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterize the larger institution” (An Army, p. 3,9). Human Resource Sergeants assists the profession’s leaders in balancing the profession by “personal development, evaluation and certification, and assignment and utilization processes in ways that motivate aspiring professional as they progress through a career of service” (An Army, p. 9). Checks and balances are essential to maintain balance and sustain any profession. The Profession of Arms key attributes and ethics system checks strategic leaders, strategic leaders check Soldiers, and Soldiers check the system to maintain balance in the profession.
The Army’s professional culture is “the spirit and soul of the body…the glue that makes units and commands distinctive sources of identity and experience. It is essentially how we do things around here” (An Army, p.9-10)

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