His to ry ? ?| ? ?Gra ded ? ?Assig nm ent ? ?| ? ?Unit ? ?Asse ssm ent: ? ?The ? ?Meso pota m ia n ? ?Mom ent, ? ?Part ? ?2
Nam e: ? ?Lin eke ? ?Mallo y Date : ? ?11/2 9/2 017
Gra d ed ? ?Assig n m en t
Unit ? ?Assessm en t: ? ?The ? ?Meso pota m ia n ? ?Mom en t, ? ?Part ? ?2
(S co re ? ?fo r ? ?Questio n ? ?1: ? ?___ ? ?of ? ?6 ? ?poin ts )
1. Describ e ? ?how ? ?Sum er ? ?met ? ?th e ? ?th re e ? ?crit e ria ? ?of ? ?a ? ?civ iliz a tio n. ? ?Use ? ?sp ecif ic ? ?exa m ple s.
1. They ? ?needed ? ?to ? ?produce ? ?more ? ?than ? ?enough ? ?food: ? ?A. ? ?They ? ?learned ? ?how ? ?to ? ?control ? ?the ? ?rivers ? ?Tigris
and ? ?Euphrates ? ?by ? ?building ? ?levees ? ?that ? ?would ? ?hold ? ?back ? ?the ? ?floodings. ? ?Than ? ?they ? ?dug ? ?canals ? ?that
would ? ?lead ? ?the ? ?water ? ?from ? ?the ? ?river ? ?to ? ?their ? ?fields, ? ?especially ? ?in ? ?the ? ?dry ? ?seasons. ? ?These ? ?actions
helped ? ?them ? ?grow ? ?crops ? ?and ? ?produce ? ?the ? ?surplus ? ?food ? ?they ? ?needed. ? ?The ? ?result ? ?of ? ?this ? ?was ? ?that ? ?not
everybody ? ?had ? ?to ? ?hunt ? ?or ? ?produce ? ?food, ? ?they ? ?could ? ?focus ? ?their ? ?attention ? ?on ? ?other ? ?activities ? ?and
accomplish ? ?bigger ? ?tasks. ? ?They ? ?interexchange ? ?their ? ?products ? ?and ? ?their ? ?produce ? ?one ? ?to ? ?another.
2. They ? ?needed ? ?to ? ?divide ? ?the ? ?different ? ?jobs ? ?and ? ?activities ? ?that ? ?presented ? ?themselves ? ?to ? ?fulfill ? ?the
needs ? ?of ? ?all ? ?those ? ?who ? ?live ? ?in ? ?the ? ?community. ? ?? ?The ? ?Sumerians ? ?? ?developed ? ?a ? ?very ? ?detailed ? ?division
of ? ?labor. ? ?Examples ? ?of ? ?other ? ?actives ? ?are ? ?that ? ?some ? ?became ? ?craftsman, ? ?some ? ?became ? ?weavers,
priests, ? ?businessmen, ? ?and ? ?even ? ?jewellers.
3. They ? ?became ? ?experts ? ?in ? ?building ? ?cities ? ?with ? ?high ? ?protective ? ?walls. ? ?Their ? ?houses ? ?were ? ?built ? ?with
mud ? ?to ? ?keep ? ?them ? ?cold. ? ?Around ? ?the ? ?cities ? ?where ? ?the ? ?fields ? ?of ? ?produce ? ?were ? ?cultivated ? ?to ? ?feed ? ?the
people ? ?of ? ?the ? ?city ? ?and ? ?it’s ? ?surroundings.
(S co re ? ?fo r ? ?Questio n ? ?2: ? ?___ ? ?of ? ?6 ? ?poin ts )
2. How ? ?did ? ?th e ? ?geogra phy ? ?of ? ?Meso pota m ia ? ?co ntr ib ute ? ?to ? ?th e ? ?deve lo pm ent ? ?of ? ?early ? ?civ ili z a tio n ? ?th ere ?
© ? ?2016 ? ?K12 ? ?In c. ? ?All ? ?rig hts ? ?re se rv e d. Pag e ? ?1 ? ?of ? ?2
Copyin g ? ?or ? ?dis tr ib utin g ? ?wit h out ? ?K12’s ? ?writ t e n ? ?co nse nt ? ?is ? ?pro h ib it e d.
His to ry ? ?| ? ?Gra ded ? ?Assig nm ent ? ?| ? ?Unit ? ?Asse ssm ent: ? ?The ? ?Meso pota m ia n ? ?Mom ent, ? ?Part ? ?2
Answer: ? ?There ? ?were ? ?two ? ?very ? ?important ? ?rivers ? ?named ? ?Euphrates ? ?and ? ?Tigris ? ?flowing ? ?through ? ?the ? ?region.
The ? ?soil ? ?around ? ?the ? ?region ? ?was ? ?also ? ?very ? ?fertile. ? ?However ? ?the ? ?climate ? ?was ? ?hot ? ?and ? ?dry ? ?which ? ?brought ? ?it’s
challenges ? ?for ? ?agriculture. ? ?Their ? ?irrigation ? ?technology ? ?helped ? ?overcome ? ?the ? ?challenges ? ?of ? ?the ? ?climate
which ? ?caused ? ?the ? ?region ? ?to ? ?flourish.
(S co re ? ?fo r ? ?Questio n ? ?3: ? ?___ ? ?of ? ?6 ? ?poin ts )
3. Describ e ? ?th re e ? ?prin cip al ? ?ways ? ?civ iliz a tio n ? ?sp re ads ? ?fr o m ? ?one ? ?re gio n ? ?to ? ?anoth er.
1. Ideas ? ?spread ? ?easily ? ?people ? ?would ? ?take ? ?their ? ?goods ? ?from ? ?one ? ?region ? ?to ? ?another ? ?to ? ?trade ? ?as ? ?they ? ?did
this ? ?they ? ?told ? ?their ? ?agricultural, ? ?industrial, ? ?and ? ?trade ? ?stories. ? ?Those ? ?hearing ? ?these ? ?stories ? ?learned
of ? ?the ? ?possibilities ? ?of ? ?building ? ?their ? ?own ? ?cities ? ?and ? ?improving ? ?their ? ?life.
2. ? ?Besides ? ?this ? ?main ? ?reason ? ?for ? ?spreading ? ?of ? ?civilisation ? ?geographical ? ?and ? ?political ? ?changes ? ?also
had ? ?their ? ?influences.
3. War ? ?was ? ?another ? ?reason ? ?for ? ?civilisation ? ?to ? ?spread ? ?as ? ?the ? ?cities ? ?grew, ? ?powers ? ?rose ? ?up. ? ?These
powers ? ?maintained ? ?their ? ?control ? ?through ? ?their ? ?armies. ? ?Some ? ?cities ? ?and ? ?communities ? ?would ? ?rebel
because ? ?they ? ?desired ? ?greater ? ?benefits. ? ?This ? ?would ? ?cause ? ?them ? ?to ? ?relocate ? ?in ? ?other ? ?areas ? ?and
re-start ? ?or ? ?rebuild ? ?their ? ?homes ? ?and ? ?cities.
© ? ?2016 ? ?K12 ? ?In c. ? ?All ? ?rig hts ? ?re se rv e d. Pag e ? ?2 ? ?of ? ?2
Copyin g ? ?or ? ?dis tr ib utin g ? ?wit h out ? ?K12’s ? ?writ t e n ? ?co nse nt ? ?is ? ?pro h ib it e d.