Aggression consist of a broad category of responses . In young children it is a common response to anger and hostility. No surprisingly, when parents or others criticize the young child’s attempts at development competence, often the child’s response is physical aggression, SUCH AS HITING OR DESTROYING PROPERTY. FRUSTRATION, WHICH OCCURS WHEN GOALS Are blocked, can also give rise to physically aggression responses. finally responses to his failure by kicking the blocks across the room.
Whatever its causes, physical aggression typically increases at the beginning off early childhood and then declines as verbal aggression begins to replace it. The decline in physical aggression also is associated with children’s growing ability to resolve conflicts in nonaggressive ways, through negotiation, for example, and with their improving experience in how to play. In addition by the 6 or 7, children are less egocentric , and better able to understand another child’s point of view. This helps in two ways: children are less likely to misinterpret another child’s behavior aggression , which might invite retaliation, and they are better able to empathize with how another child feels when harmed.