A Social phobia is one type of anxiety disorder that is revealed by irrational fear of negative assessment of other people in some special or general social situations

A Social phobia is one type of anxiety disorder that is revealed by irrational fear of negative assessment of other people in some special or general social situations. This reaction is automatic, pervading a person who cannot resist it. Although there is no factor that is the sole cause of social anxiety, research suggests that environmental factors as well as biological and psychological factors could play the role. A social phobia is easiest to cure if diagnosed in time. Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients go to the doctor only when things are further complicated by the occurrence of clinical depression or alcohol or drug dependence.People with this disorder feel a high degree of discomfort in situations when they participate in social activities and have the impression that someone is evaluating and disparaging. Some of the people in the early childhood suffered from lack of attention and love. What the environment needs and must provide is support for treatment, positive attitude, and acceptance of understanding problems. There are two effective treatment methods: cognitive-behavioral therapy and certain medications. Therapy can include systematic desensitization or real exposure to situations that cause irrational fear. The goal of the therapy is to bring the patient’s thoughts forward in a more rational direction and help the person to stop avoiding her anxiety situations.

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