The objection is weak in that it asserts that there is no complete physical insight without physical facts and fails to acknowledge that physical knowledge and truth is not consistent

The objection is weak in that it asserts that there is no complete physical insight without physical facts and fails to acknowledge that physical knowledge and truth is not consistent. In that Jackson holds that there are no facts in regard to the awareness that cannot be acquired from the wholesome physical facts (Nida-Rümelin 1). In that what is seen is not the entire truth as an individual can be exposed to a fresh truth. The physical facts do not incorporate the general certainty in regard to the world since even after one experience in regard to a subject one will automatically learn fresh concepts after another exposure. In my opinion, the objection is weak since it holds that everything can be expressed from the physical truth. This is claim is limited because the physical truth does not offer wide-ranging evidences in regard to the world. With more experience, the truth keeps on transforming thus creating a conscious experience that cannot be acquired without the physical exposure (Brandl 103).

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