Working part-time in KFC as a cashier for a few months taught me how to handle money and hone my communication skills

Working part-time in KFC as a cashier for a few months taught me how to handle money and hone my communication skills. I understand that being an accountant must have a great interpersonal skills as it is the key to develop successful relationships with clients. Getting employed in a fast food restaurant requires me to multitasking such that I had to take orders while preparing them and also in charge of the money transaction. This shows that I am capable of working under pressure and adapt to unpredictable working environment.
One have to put great efforts to be an excellent accountant. To start with, I was one of the member of fund raising team in the school community service group, which was a tough responsibility to be shouldered. From the experience working in groups, it enhanced my creativity and critical thinking skills by creating new ideas in order to achieve our goals. We did various charity campaign for Aceh to raise fund that need full commitment from each member and we succeeded in collecting approximately RM50,000.00 for this fund. A better cooperation and tolerance towards others are developed over time. As a student, I managed to juggle my studies with co-curricular activities as I organised my time wisely. Therefore, I get to partake in many activities and play sports in my spare time. I joined the school nature and adventure club because I really enjoy the outdoor activities such as hiking and rock climbing. Constant exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind, relieving stress that result to a better focus at work.
I am a determined and passionate student who is looking forward to take advantage of all the opportunities and the challenges offered by a degree course in accounting and finance at a prestigious British University.

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