Unit Five

Unit Five: Text Questions

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Review Questions

1. What is the NIBIN?
The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) is a nationally interconnected, computer-assisted ballistics imaging system used by forensic firearms examiners to obtain computerized images of the unique marks made on bullets and/or cartridge cases when guns are fired.
The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) is a nationally interconnected, computer-assisted ballistics imaging system used by forensic firearms examiners to obtain computerized images of the unique marks made on bullets and/or cartridge cases when guns are fired.
3. What is a distance determination? How is this done?
This rifling or spiral grooves cut into the barrel of a gun in order to make a bullet spin as it is fired. Rifling produces grooves and lands.
4. What is the Greiss Test?
The Griess test is an analytical chemistry test which detects the presence of nitrite ion in solution. One of its most important uses is the determination of nitrite in drinking water. The test has also been widely used for the detection of trace explosives containing nitro groups.
5. When a bullet is retrieved, how is it marked for identification purposes? What should be avoided?
When a bullet is retrieved it is marked with the intials of the investigator on the tip of the bullet. The sides of the bullet should be avoided .
Critical Thinking Questions

1. If you found a firearm at a crime scene, what steps would you take in order to transport the weapon to the lab?
You have to make sure the gun is unloaded so no acidents happen on the way back to the lab . then , you mark the gun with information about the case number . the guns serial number and the intials of the investagotor that found the gun .