Cleopatra is one of the most significant historical figures when it comes to beauty

Cleopatra is one of the most significant historical figures when it comes to beauty, known as the prototype of the femme fatale, her image of beauty has been prevalent throughout history. “The story of Cleopatra has influenced many historians, painters, writers and filmmakers…She is often described as an evil and sexy beauty who liked to take control of men.During ancient times recounts of Cleopatra were told by Romans who may have seen her as a threat and wanted to ruin her image. Thus, her beauty was represented as something with negative connotations. However contemporary portrayals of Cleopatra have changed dramatically, with her beauty and sexuality becoming a symbol of power and with modern technology, the race has also been challenged. Although perceptions of her beauty has changed, many depictions of Cleopatra stay true to ancient sources.From ancient times to modern, her beauty has been altered to fit the current context of society. Her role as a wise and intelligent ruler was discredited in older representations, however this is the opposite in contemporary times.

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