Psychology is a vast field which deals with the human and mind behaviors

Psychology is a vast field which deals with the human and mind behaviors. A psychologist examines an individual’s thoughts, feelings, understanding and attitude and attempts to find a cause. Psychologists work in a diverse set of environments. Predominantly psychologists are in clinical and counselling field of work, so majority of the people tend think that they treat mental disorders.
Generally, psychologists are either research or applied psychologists. Research psychologists as the name suggests experiment and collect observations to enhance more the understanding of the nature of how our mind works and how we behave when we have to face certain circumstances. Applied psychologists on the other hand take these observations which are collected by the research psychologists and help to co-relate the observations to the everyday problems which a human being and the society encounter. They try to find solutions to the problems relating to mind and matter that impact our behavior. By doing this they envision to improve the way we learn, perform work, our relations and our behaviors.
Of the above classification of the psychologists who are involved in health and counselling as a job form part of the applied psychologists wherein the pre-dominantly are involved in the healing of behavioral and mental health issues. These have long been the area of interest and development since they are the visible jobs which a psychologist had been doing or many numbers of psychologists have been engaged in.
Apart from the clinical or counselling psychology there are a variety of career paths. There are so many interesting avenues which a psychologist can pursue and a few which are unique and different like evolutionary psychology, engineering psychology, forensic psychology, , organizational and industrial psychology, traffic or aviation psychology etc., These are the lesser known streams of psychology which are growing up and many are of interest as they are providing the much needed knowledge on the behavioral patterns of a human being with relation to the main stream of studies of engineering / forensics / aviation etc.,
While the above-mentioned fields are not a comprehensive list of every psychology career that is currently available, they are streams of interest and growth or upcoming fields of growth. The above streams have a strong projected employment outlook. The above is just a gist and there are many varied options that are available and that are developing by the year. Apart from clinical and counselling streams, many psychologists have now started to look at alternative streams, which still cover a psychologist’s commitment to improve the life of a human being as well as the society in general.
The new fields generate the much-needed spark of excitement and encourage dialogue on how main stream psychology can help in the other streams and uplift the human being and society. The five major concepts predominantly used in psychology to explain human behavior such as biological, cognitive, psychoanalytic, learning and socio-cultural are the basis which relate to other main streams and provide the much-needed insight and developing potential.
An example of a psychologist’s work in the field of engineering is as below:
Engineering psychology was started during World War I and the main reason as to why this was thought about was that because many of America’s weapons were failing. Weapons were not firing properly and not in the right places and were attacking innocents or animal life. One of the first designs to be built to reduce human error was the use of psychoacoustics by S.S. Stevens and L.L. Beranek, who were two of the first American psychologists called upon to help change how people and machinery worked together. One of their first assignments was to try and reduce noise levels in military aircraft. Their work was also directed on improving intelligibility of military communication systems and this was very successful.
People do not know much about psychology and its further studies. Most of them were not aware of the various fields in psychology. Clinical psychology which treated mental disorders were way popular than all the other streams. The number of people who opted for the different fields in psychology were less compared to those who graduated in clinical psychology. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a faster than average growth for psychologist jobs. The demand for psychologists is expected to grow by 19 percent through the year 2024. So we can conclude that apart from clinical and counselling psychology which is currently popular and known widely, we will have other streams too gaining popularity and notice.

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