Online Entrance Examination Result System Informtion or Background How does this system works

Online Entrance Examination Result
Informtion or Background
How does this system works? Our computer or internet now a days has a lot of use or help in our society that’s why we are not thinking to stop by doing a new system that can help our society and lessen up their works. Just like the online Entrance Exam Result that can help the students to see their entrance exam result in the very easy way by just signing up in this system..

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General Objectives – This system is a less consuming system that will help the students, instead of going to the school to see their Entrance Exam Result they can also see it using this system.

Specific Objective –
To lessen up the admin’s paper works
To increase the capability of the school
To lessen up the consuming time
To improve the manual processing of releasing the Entrance Exam Result
Significant of the study
To lessen up the admin’s paper works
Improving the manual processing
To lessen up their consuming time
Communication skills
Future Developer
They can get an idea in this system
Scope and Limitations
The function of searching is that the system can be able to search students who are enrolled and encoded through the system.

They can recognize the students who passes the entrance examination
They can have their own copy of the students that passes the entrance examination without creating a manual processing of saving those data’s
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