To my understanding related to the concept on how statistics had been used inappropriately is alarming

To my understanding related to the concept on how statistics had been used inappropriately is alarming, because there are bias in many sequence related to the producer, or the conclusion the researcher is trying to achieve. For instance during the 2016 US presidential election, there were many statistical data that are strongly predicting the election in the favor of the democrat, and also the news media informant who also checking on their previous statistical analysis related to presidential elections. However at the end the country elect a republican as the president of the United States. This misinformation becomes rampant thought of truth which can cause a greater effect on the community as a whole. This among many comes to mind, that showing a direct cause and effect utilizing only two variables can lead to further issues down the road when giving information out to the general populace, thereby creating a large social impact that might not have been present had it not been for that lack of all variables being presented in the first place.

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