Through the consistent interweaving of the past present and the future of Tom Brennan’s life

Through the consistent interweaving of the past present and the future of Tom Brennan’s life, we are drawn to progression and development that is attained when an individual accepts change due to a traumatic event. J.C Burke vividly illustrates this idea through demonstrating Tom’s alteration from being resistant to accepting the new strengths and opportunities provided by the transition. Throughout the story of Tom Brennan, Tom’s life style is completely altered due to the catalyst of his brother’s reckless drink driving leaving 2 people dead, a close relative quadriplegic and Daniel left imprisoned dealing with the penalties of his actions. Burke’s use of evocative dialogue and first person narrative “Saturday night and I was where I wanted to be Alone” resonates with Tom’s ability to utilise unaccompanied assistance and alienation as a survival mechanism when dealing with the reality surrounding him. The traumatic event and social rejection occurring in his hometown influences him to become introverted and constantly retreat to the symbolic reference of his room “the cave”. This symbolic reference demonstrates the dramatic and disheartening turning point in Tom’s life as a formerly popular and promising footballer to a socially awkward “outsider”. Progressively in the novel as Tom is approached to continue his exercise by his uncle Brendan, we are drawn to personal growth due to Tom’s reacceptance of physical activity. By the promotion of physical activity and a goal to persevere the notion of rehabilitation was further integrated in the life of Tom Brennan. Transitional evidence of Tom’s progress is clearly apparent through the use of simile “That’s when I’d zone out, the weight of my thoughts shedding with each kilometre, like layers of skin falling onto the track leaving the empty shell”. This demonstrates his emerging survival mechanism eliminating layers of bad thoughts through each kilometre he has travelled. This personal turning point symbolises the progressive growth of Tom and his ability to cope with change. Furthermore it is to a high extent that through the challenging process of transition in Tom’s life that he has deepened his understanding on how physical activity and a network of support can affect his overall

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