Teachers in their profession are required to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil their responsibilities

Teachers in their profession are required to maintain appropriate standards and fulfil their responsibilities, not just to learners, but also to institutions, colleagues and other professional roles. In order to do that a teacher should set professional and personal boundaries, which will also set their limits and will identify what their professional role involves. Setting role boundaries is also useful to define professional duties, limitations and rights of a professional worker like a teacher. So when you are going to set your boundaries as a teacher you are also defining your duties and everything that your professional role involves. For example a teacher has the right to contact the learners regarding the course, but calling them 10 times would be inappropriate. A teacher can be friendly with the learner but getting overfriendly, too personal or too emotionally involved in some situations can be deemed inappropriate. In fact a professional behaviour for a teacher is essential; a teacher needs to be impartial, fair and ethical with all learners. A teacher should also consider using caution with self-disclosure: a discrete behaviour is required when they disclose personal information. A teacher should also worry about which barriers the learners can face; these barriers could be for example disabilities or attendance.

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