In Alice Munro’s story

In Alice Munro’s story, “The Shining Houses,” she shows how those who stray from social norms and ideologies will cause the marginalization of nonconformists. Feminism equality struggles are displayed within the story especially through the characters Mrs. Fullerton and Mary, as it shows how those who oppose these inequalities are mistreated and ostracized within society. Specifically, domesticity and the need for masculine protection are two critical elements used to convey her theme.
Domesticity has been portrayed throughout the story; it shows the effects of marginalization towards female characters who do not adhere to the typical socials norms and roles. Mrs. Fullerton is an individual who does not fit in with her new, younger neighbors. Jane had explained to Mary that “‘I asked her to babysit for me once and she practically spit in my face. She is not exactly a charming old lady, you know'” (Munro 72). Mrs. Fullerton is viewed differently by her neighbors as she is not the typical stereotype. They grant her a role based on her age, therefore, they thought that she would be the typically loving, and caring grandma figure for the community who would babysit their kids. When they realized that she does not carry herself in that manner, this triggered the community to turn on her and dimish her standing in society by ostracizing her, as she is useless to them. In general, the suburban women of the community are the ones who organize events, parties, compete with each other based on looks, and gossip (68). Munro illustrates their domesticity when she describes how “most birthday parties were attended by mothers as well as children. Women who saw each other every day met now in earrings, nylons and skirts, with their hair fixed and faces applied” (69). Therefore, since it is meaningless compared to a male’s workday it is socially acceptable for a woman. Edith was put in a powerless position compared to her husband, because as “she was surrounded in her kitchen by the ruins of the birthday party — cake and molded jellies and cookies with animal faces” (68). He would be outside “working around their houses” (67). This shows that Edith’s position compared to her husband is unimportant, as she can only work from inside the household, while he works outside maintaining their home. Therefore, she is marginalized by her spouse as she is alienated from the hardships of the outside world, and can only care for her kids and looks. Lastly, the men of the community, Garden Place, hold positions of authority over women. Munro narrates: “Edith brought a pen and they spread the petition for the lane, which Carl had drawn up … People began to sign mechanically as they said goodbye. Steve was still scowling slightly; Carl stood with one hand on the paper, businesslike, but proud” (71). Men are given more respect and power than women in this community as they deal with important issues such as earning money for their families as well as dealing with political issues such as creating the lane deal (70-71), therefore earning their higher status over women in their own eyes. When Mary tries to defy the lane deal and put herself in a more important position than Carl’s opinion, she was quickly shut down and ignored due to her gender as well as alienated from social groups within the community as she has a different perspective of the situation. Domesticity, throughout Munro’s story, proves that when women do not adhere to norms, it will lead to their marginalization. Swaying from the norms in society for women will subject them to criticism.

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When women do not seek masculine protection, they are treated negatively causing them to be ostracized within their social groups. Mary, unlike her neighbours, knows and understands both perspectives. Mary attempts to voice her doubts during the signing of the petition: “Mary set her coffee cup down before she spoke and hoped her voice would sound all right, not emotional or scared. ‘But remember she’s been here a long time,'” she said. ‘She was here before most of us were born'” (70). She tries to interfere and stands up for Mrs. Fullerton; however, she was put in her place when Carl said, “‘So it goes. And whether you realize it or not, just standing there that house is bringing down the resale value of every house on this street. I’m in the business, I know'” (70-71). He was protective over the community and would not let Mary interfere with his plans or be heard as her opinion is invalid due to her gender. When Carl shuts down Mary’s opinion, he put her in a powerless spotlight in front of the community. He disregarded her as if though she was nonexistent or important enough to voice her thoughts, therefore marginalizing her worth within society. In contrast, the women in the story are known to follow social norms such as satisfying their husbands’ needs and always being supportive. Janie says, “‘Do you honestly think that people who let their property get so rundown have that much claim to our consideration? ‘Feeling her husband’s plan was being attacked'” (70). Janie is a great example of the perfect suburban woman as she supports her husband if she feels that he is being attacked in the slightest way, just to prove her worth to him. Furthermore, Edith is also known to follow social norms as she gets her confidence from her husband whenever he supports her: “‘I tell you what I’d do if I was next door to it,’ Steve said, …”‘I’d send my kids over there to play with matches.'” ‘Oh, funny,’ Edith said” (69). When Steve entered the conversation discussing Mrs. Fullerton’s property backing up Edith, she felt the confidence to discuss the topic in detail (68-69). However, her confidence comes with the cost of being Steve’s puppet, as she does whatever she is instructed to do by him. The need for masculine protection is important in Edith’s life, because without it she would not have the confidence to voice her opinion, therefore becoming an alienated member of the community as she had does not have a male presence in her life. Finally, Mrs. Fullerton, unlike her neighbours, strays from the norms as she is an independent woman who provides for herself. She admits, “‘I thought, if Mr. Fullerton was to come back, he’d come back here, not knowing where else to go. Of course he’d hardly know where to find me, the way it’s changed now'” (65). Throughout the story, readers see how mistreated she is by her neighbours. They take advantage of her by starting a petition to get rid of her property (70-71) due to the fact she does not have a voice based on her gender and the lack of a male presence in her life (65). There is no man to support her views, therefore, she is shunned by the community. This feminist story shows that even in today’s society, without a male presence, women feel uncomfortable because they are not adhering to social norms.
Women and men have been treated differently for generations, however, males have always had the advantage within society. In Alice Munro’s story “The Shining Houses”, the hardships of domesticity and need for masculine protection that the female characters face throughout the story is evident. However, females should not be treated differently and unfairly due to their gender role in society. Females need to stray from these acceptable social norms and ideologies; their fear of being marginalized or alienated should not get in the way they choose to approach their lives.