Which word is your favorite and why

Which word is your favorite and why? Could there be a way to answer? The answer is, definitely, that sometimes a word is your favorite, because it is ideal. It just seems right. I believe your favorite word or the way you speak does not necessarily suggest an expanded vocabulary. Does someone’s favorite word show that person’s intelligence? Their maturity? Their view on life or their general personality? It may be easy to take a guess at a person’s favorite band or TV show based on their appearance or personality, but I think one’s favorite word is actually less obvious.
It has been scientifically proven that a person’s favorite word is their name. I believe a name has a lot of power. A name gives you identity, personality, and may also tell you who you are. Some people may not like their name, but they still get elated when it is said. When you hear your name in a random conversation you still observe, in hopes that it is or is not about you depending on the topic of that conversation. You cannot deny that you do not want your name to be spoken by the people that you admire. A person’s name may not be their favorite word, but it is not exactly your name that is the favorite, it is the power behind your name, it is you.
My name is Yusra Ifteqar. For eighteen years I have answered to that name, and I understand the meaning behind my name. In Arabic, my name means ease, relief, and prosperity. I love my name. I love it when people say it in a conversation. When my mom was expecting me and whenever she came across the name Yusra, she always thought about its meaning. She always read it together with another word Usra, which meant hardship. There is a popular saying “With hardship comes ease”, which relates well with the words “Usra and Yusra”. I was born when my parents were facing some obstacles; therefore, they named me Yusra meaning ease and relief.
It is the philosophy of a name that teaches us to be who we are. My name teaches me to be just Yusra. Not anyone else but Yusra. I cannot be myself without a name. It is the name that my parents chose for me to keep forever; it was their favorite name for me. My name cannot be put down, it lives within me, and through others that share it. My name is infinite.

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