Smith’s proposed governance model was met with deep skepticism from IT employees

Smith’s proposed governance model was met with deep skepticism from IT employees. This model would affect the long-established practices and personal relationships and also they might lose the “advantages of synergy and backup expertise” the staff had. The employees were resistant to restructuring and were facing a loss of sense of identity and there could be an exodus of talent if change management is not properly communicated.
Because of her past achievements, Smith had credibility among her peers and constantly updated them about her plans for the new governance model. This meant she had full backing and commitment of the leadership. To build her credibility and respect within her organization she setup her office with rest of the IT department rather than on the executive floor. She needs to effectively communicate why the proposed changes are needed and also have to calm the anxious employees by giving them a new sense of purpose and showing that in new roles as well they can face exciting challenges.

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