‘ntroductionOver the last sevent

‘ntroductionOver the last sevent! !ears( the ).*. +ilitar! has develo,ed into one of the main tools used b! our ‘nternational Partners to manage com,le- crisis that ,ose a serious threat to international ,eace and securit! ,ast the )nited *tates borders. The number of militar! ,ersonnel that are being de,lo!ed to investigate( assist ?hen ,eace/ee,ing is greatl! needed has gro?n in si0e and ?ithin the last decade has become ,rogressivel! com,le-. Toda! our militar! collect and anal!0enumerous data that is being received through our ).*. ‘ntelligence Office to better ,rotect our concerned interest of our foreign allies. This constant monitoring hel,s ?ith militar! o,erations in restoring the rule of la? ?ithin foreign nations and attem,ting to ,romote human rights for ?omen and children around the ?orld. During the t?entieth centur!( the )nited *tates has become the ?,olicemen? of the ?orld through international incidents such as ).*. forces stri/e in?ib!a( *omalia( ca,ture al 3aeda o,erative 42;156 and %ATO coordinates air stri/es and missile attac/s against 3addafi government during u,rising b! rebel Arm! 42;116

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